City Rental Property Management

We buy property for community development. If we're not developing the property immediately and it contains suitable housing options, we rent those homes temporarily.

We advertise City rental properties on Craigslist.

City rental properties are

  • located throughout Burnaby and vary in age, style and size
  • offered on a month-to-month basis at market rates
  • governed by the Residential Tenancy Act and its regulations
  • managed by the property management office and maintained by the City's facilities management department

As tenants, you're responsible for

  • paying rent on or before the first day of each month, including your utility charges (electricity and gas), cable and internet service, telephone, etc.
  • having renters insurance
  • supplying your household appliances and window coverings
  • paying the one-time security deposit, which is half your monthly rent
  • participating in periodic property inspections by the landlord
  • participating in pre-tenancy and end of tenancy condition inspections

Tenants occupying City rental property

  • Call facilities management at 604-294-7424 if you need maintenance services.
  • Call the property management office at 604-294-7351 or 604-294-7849 if you have questions about your tenancy. Or email [email protected].

Tenants renting from a private landlord

  • If you're having maintenance, pests or noise-related issues (from other residents), contact your landlord or building manager.
  • If your landlord or building manager doesn't resolve your issues, contact the Residential Tenancy Branch for help. The branch provides information, education and dispute resolution services for landlords and tenants.

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