Recycling & Garbage

Zone 4 collection on Thursday, February 6

Recycling, green bin and garbage collection is proceeding as scheduled for houses and duplexes, and multi-family residences and commercial properties serviced by the City.

Tip: Place your items out in the morning to avoid them becoming snow covered and the contents freezing overnight.

Find your schedule, order a new cart or report a problem

The City provides garbage collection services to residential—houses, duplexes, apartments, condos and townhomes—and commercial facilities—businesses, schools, religious buildings. We collect garbage, recycling, yard trimmings and food scraps.

Additional information

Order a new cart

You can pick up blue and grey boxes or yellow bags at the Eco-Centre. If you need garbage or green bin, please fill the receptacle request form and email it to [email protected].

Illegal dumping

Illegal dumping and littering looks ugly, is expensive to clean up and poses health and environmental risks. Illegal dumping is any waste—large appliances, couches, trash and other banned/illegal products—intentionally dumped on public or private property.

To report illegal dumping, call the Solid Waste and Recycling Division at 604-294-7972 or download the collection app to report a problem. 

Recycling Council of BC

For more information, contact the Recycling Council of BC who can answer questions specific to your community through the Recyclepedia search, phone, text, chat or email.

Have questions?

Solid Waste and Recycling Division
24-hour information
BC recycling information services

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