Check out the recreational facilities in your community
Come and enjoy the recreational facilities in your community such as indoor pools, youth and seniors' centres, and sports and fitness centres. Also try our outdoor facilities including skateboard parks, fitness circuits, playing fields, tennis courts and more.
We want all residents and visitors to enjoy our recreation facilities. The Accessibility section on each facility's webpage provides information about accessible parking, washrooms and site access. If the location has adaptive equipment, you'll find that information in the Features section.
Community centres and indoor pools
- Bonsor Recreation Complex (with pool)
- Christine Sinclair Community Centre
- Edmonds Community Centre (with pool)
- Eileen Dailly Leisure Pool & Fitness Centre
- Rosemary Brown Recreation Centre
- Temporary Cameron Community Centre
- Willingdon Community Centre
Ice skating arenas
Seniors' centres
Youth centres
Community program locations
Outdoor pools
- Central Park Outdoor Pool
- Kensington Outdoor Pool
- MacPherson Park Outdoor Pool
- Robert Burnaby Outdoor Pool
- Wading pools and spray parks
- Burnaby Mountain Golf Course and Driving Range
- Central Park Pitch & Putt
- Kensington Park Pitch & Putt
- Riverway Golf Course & Driving Range
Sports fields, courts and stadiums
Bike and skate facilities
- Confederation Park Skateboard Plaza
- Nick Volkow Skate Park (formerly Metro Skate Park)
- Mountain Air Bike Skills Course
Outdoor fitness circuits
What's happening

Drop-in activities
Explore all the activities happening at our community centres—from swimming, fitness, sports and more.

Explore outdoors
Whether you’re looking for parks and trails, shorelines and lakes or somewhere to take the kids—there’s plenty to explore in Burnaby.

Arts and culture
World class arts and culture live in our lively arts hub at Deer Lake Park.

Venue rentals
Planning a special event? Find more on renting our wide variety of recreation and outdoor spaces.