This commission advises Council on the City’s heritage program, including supporting the preservation of heritage buildings, structures or lands, public education and awareness, regulations and legislation to protect heritage register and inventory, conserving, monitoring, promoting and enhancing City-owned heritage resources and managing council-approved funds for heritage purposes.
The Community Heritage Commission, formerly the Burnaby Heritage Advisory Committee was established in 1988. The Commission is made up of 10 members, including 3 Council representatives and 6 resident representatives. Each member has a 2-year term with an opportunity for two renewals to a maximum of 6 years.
- Councillor Daniel Tetrault, Chair
- Councillor Richard T. Lee, Vice Chair
- Councillor James Wang, Member
- Margaret Austin, Resident Representative
- Ruby Johnson, Member Emeritus
- Paul Kwon, Resident Representative
- Helen Phillips, Resident Representative
- Catherine Liang, Resident Representative
- Paddy Murphy, Resident Representative
- Roger Whitehouse, Resident Representative
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