Tree Maintenance

Caring for City-owned trees with a full range of arboriculture services like inspection, pruning and planting

Tree inspections

Trees on City property: Are you concerned about the health of a tree on City property like a park or boulevard? You can contact Parks Forestry division to come out and inspect the tree(s) at 604-297-4500.

Trees on private property: Parks Forestry doesn't inspect or work on trees on private property. If you have concerns about trees on your own property, or there's work to be done on them, please call a commercial/residential professional tree specialist to do the work you might not be able to safely do yourself.

Boulevard trees

Under our Tree Management Policy, the City's forestry division manages and maintains all the trees on City property, including boulevard trees. If you see an issue with a tree on your boulevard, please contact the tree service line below.

Maintaining trees on a building site

If you're building a house or demolishing and rebuilding a house, the tree protection requirements must be complete before the City can issue your permits.

Tree protection requirements exist to ensure:

  • trees aren't damaged during construction and demolition activities
  • trees aren't removed unnecessarily
  • removed trees are replaced

If you need a development permit for your project please see tree requirements for land development.

Contact us

For more information about your trees or City trees, please contact:


Trees on private property


[email protected]

Trees on City property / tree service line


[email protected]

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