2024 metered utility fees
Metered utility fees notices are mailed out either monthly or quarterly depending on billing cycle. Please refer to the top right corner of your utility notice for your due date. To be eligible for the discounted amount, payment in full must be received at the City of Burnaby by the due date.
Water and sewer use charges are calculated based on your water consumption for each billing period. The metered water bill you receive monthly or quarterly is based on how much water you used for that billing period. The number of days billed may vary for each billing–typically, we bill 28-30 days on a monthly billing schedule and 84-90 days on a quarterly billing schedule.
Reading is measured in cubic metres.
Your metered water bill includes water and sewer.
The rates are presented in the following tables:
- Metered water rate schedule (monthly and quarterly)
- Metered sewer rate schedule (monthly and quarterly)
All rates shown are effective January 1, 2024
Metered water rate schedule
Monthly rates | 2024 rate | 2023 rate |
per cubic metre | $1.737 | $1.737 |
minimum charge | $54.371 | $54.371 |
Quarterly rates | 2024 rate | 2023 rate |
per cubic metre | $1.737 | $1.737 |
minimum charge | $163.083 | $163.083 |
Metered sewer rate schedule
Monthly rates | 2024 rate | 2023 rate |
per cubic metre | $1.0800 | $1.0286 |
Quarterly rates | 2024 rate | 2023 rate |
per cubic metre | $1.0800 | $1.0286 |
Special meter reading |
(7 days' notice is required) |
$93.60 per account |
Metered water and sewer use
Billing schedule for quarterly accounts
Consumption period | Reading month | Billing month |
January, February, March | April | May |
April, May, June | July | August |
July, August, September | October | November |
October, November, December | January | February |
Note: Rates are subject to a 5% discount if paid by the due date.
City water meters are read for billing purposes, monthly and quarterly. Please keep the area around the water meter clear so City staff can record the reading.
If we can't read the meter, we make an estimate of your consumption. Common issues include:
- meter isn't accessible due to debris
- landscaping is blocking or obscuring the meter
- there's no access to meter because it's inside locked area
- a vehicle is parked on top of the meter
- the meter is in a construction site
- the meter has stopped or is malfunctioning
Request for service
Property owners can apply for a leak adjustment for excess water consumption charges resulting from an unavoidable failure in the underground piping. To be eligible for a leak adjustment the leak must have been repaired and proof of the repairs should be submitted along with paid invoices related to the leak.
If you are applying for a leak adjustment, please complete the form below and submit to [email protected] along with all required documentation.
Your request will be forwarded to the Engineering Department for investigation and if leak adjustment request is approved, a credit will be applied to your account and an amended bill will be provided. The complete leak adjustment process may take up to 60 days. Only applications submitted with all required documentation will be processed.
A special meter reading should be requested 7 days prior to required meter reading date.
A service fee will be charged to the final billing. It will be emailed to the party requesting the special meter reading.
Readings are available only Monday to Friday (weekends and statutory holidays not available).
Please complete the form below and submit to [email protected].
Questions and answers
Water meter data is read and collected from a hand held reading device every billing cycle.
The single biggest driver in determining the water rate are the costs imposed by Metro Vancouver, Greater Vancouver Water District (GVRD). Other factors include the City’s planned capital program and annual operating requirements.
There is no support from property taxes. Utility services are completely self-funded through water rates and service charges.
If your metered utility bill is higher than expected, it could be the result of one or more of the following:
- leaking toilet and/or faucets
- leaking or broken underground pipe
- leaking irrigation system
- other water-operating appliances
If the leak takes place within the private property, the owner/tenant is responsible to repair the leak as soon as possible. If the leak is on the City of Burnaby side, please call dispatch at 604-294-7200.
Adjustments can go back up to 12 months and they’ll only be considered where a failure in the piping is unavoidable and the leak has been repaired in a timely manner. Repairs for a leak may not be discovered right away if the leak is slow.
The City of Burnaby doesn't accept adjustment requests for leaky toilets, faucets, air conditioner, irrigation systems and other water-using appliances.
Fill out the Leak Adjustment Request Form and submit to [email protected] with all required documentation.
Your charges are based on water consumption. Reducing your water consumption will save you money. Here are a few ways to reduce your water consumption:
- installing high-efficiency fixtures
- regular maintenance and inspection of toilets, faucets, air condition system and other water using appliances
- reducing the amount of irrigating during the summer months
If a meter isn't operating normally, the consumption reading will decrease–not increase. A malfunctioning meter slows down until it completely stops–then it can't register consumption.
Please complete the change of address form and email it to [email protected].
- If your property is selling or your tenant is moving out, you are required to arrange for a special meter reading. This ensures that the total consumption up to closing/move-out date is billed correctly to the current account holder.
- A request for a special meter reading must be provided in writing 7 days before the closing/move-out date.
- Fill out the special meter reading request form and submit to [email protected]. A service fee will be added to the final bill.