Environment Committee

This committee advises Council on environmental issues, including public education and awareness and policies to ensure the City meets its environmental targets and goals per the current climate emergency. Foundational documents including the Burnaby Environmental Sustainability Strategy, the Official Community Plan, the Burnaby Community Energy and Emissions Plan, the Corporate Strategic Plan, and the Climate Action Framework inform and provide context for the priorities and actions of the Committee.

The committee is made up of 11 members including 4 representatives from Council, one from Burnaby School Board, one from Burnaby Board of Trade, 4 resident representatives, and non-voting advisory groups including BC Hydro, Fortis and Simon Fraser University. Each member has a 3-year term with an opportunity for one renewal to a maximum of 6 years.


  • Councillor Joe Keithley, Chair
  • Councillor Maita Santiago, Vice Chair
  • Councillor Alison Gu, Member
  • Councillor Daniel Tetrault, Member
  • Max Melchior, Resident Representative 
  • Tara Shushtarian, Resident Representative 
  • Cynthia Van Ginkel, Resident Representative
  • Andrei Zawadzki, Resident Representative
  • Ayelet Cohen, Burnaby Board of Trade
  • Trustee Peter Cech, Burnaby Board of Education
  • Sabrina Locicero, BC Hydro
  • William Hyde, Fortis BC
Back Row Left to Right: Andrei Zawadzki, Max Melchior, Ayelet Cohen (BBOT), Tara Shushtarian, Siraz Dalmiri. Front Row Left to Right: Councillor Joe Keithley (Chair), Councillor Maita Santiago (Vice Chair), Councillor Daniel Tetrault, Councillor Alison Gu. Absent: Peter Cech (Trustee), Cynthia van Ginkel

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