Submit a request to appear as a delegation
You may request to address Council or an advisory body, either as an individual or a group (maximum of 2 speakers), for a 5-minute presentation. This presentation can cover actions you're seeking, updates on community projects or programs, or discussions on matters not currently under consideration by Council through an active input process.
Please be advised that delegations will be reviewed in accordance with the Delegation Policy.
Submission deadlines
To appear as a delegation, complete the online webform below by noon at least 8 business days before the desired meeting date.
View the upcoming meetings calendar
Confirmation of appearance
We will confirm receipt of your delegation request as soon as practicable. Upon review and approval, we will tentatively schedule your appearance before the next available requested Council or advisory body meeting relevant to your subject matter.
Once the meeting date is confirmed, we will advise of meeting procedures and inquire about audio/visual equipment needs, PowerPoint presentation requirements and the preferred appearance format.
Things to remember
As per the Delegation Policy and provincial legislation, no person or group shall address Council or advisory bodies on:
- the same subject within 6 months without new, significant information being presented
- non-jurisdictional items
- a proposed bylaw or bylaw amendment in respect of which a public hearing is not being held or prohibited
- a bylaw in respect of which a public hearing has been held, where the public hearing was required under an enactment as a pre-requisite to the adoption of the bylaw
- the promotion of commercial products or services which have no connection to the business of the City
- publicly tendered contracts or proposal calls for the provision of goods and services for the City, between the time that such contract or proposal call has been authorized and the time such contact or proposal call has been awarded, either by Council or City staff
- matters regarding elections, alternative approval processes or referendums where assent of the electorate is being sought (within 60 days of a voting opportunity)
- matters that contain or may contain unauthorized breaches of personal information or privacy for individuals or third party proprietary information in violation of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act;
- any matter that may violate the City’s Respectful Workplace and Code of Conduct policies
- an issue which is before the courts or on which Council has authorized legal action
Requests must not contain:
- external website URLs, redirects, or links
- vulgar, derogatory, or defamatory language
- confidential or personal information of third parties
- any content that violates the City’s Respectful Workplace policy
Appear as a delegation request form
Public record notice
All submissions will form part of the permanent public record. Personal information provided through letters is collected in accordance with BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).
At the discretion of the Corporate Officer, your submission, along with your name and civic address, will be included in the meeting packages. Content of submissions may be redacted in accordance FOIPPA.
Additional ways to submit your request
Mail, email or fax your letter with a subject, your name, address, phone number and email address.
Mayor and Council
Legislative Services
Burnaby City Hall
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC, V5G 1M2
Phone: 604-294-7290
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 604-294-7537
Advisory body or board:
Legislative Services
Burnaby City Hall
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, BC, V5G 1M2
Phone: 604-294-7290
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 604-294-7537 (attn: Advisory body or board name)