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  • April 13, 2023

    City celebrates National Volunteer Week

    The City of Burnaby is celebrating National Volunteer Week (April 16-22) by thanking all Burnaby volunteers for their commitment, dedication, generosity and selflessness to help create a better Burnaby.
  • April 13, 2023

    Online activity registration system coming in July

    The City is moving to a new, user-friendly online registration system in time for the busy fall recreation and culture activity registration season. As an email address will be essential to access the new registration system online, the City is requesting current users to add their email to their existing account in the current WebReg system right away
  • April 11, 2023

    Burnaby joins 2023 Walk30 Challenge

    Once again, Burnaby is participating in the Lower Mainland’s annual WALK30 Challenge, an annual competition between local municipalities where residents challenge themselves to walk for 30+ minutes a day, and log their time towards their city’s total.
  • April 6, 2023

    C.G. Brown Memorial Pool being demolished to make way for new destination recreation facility

    The City of Burnaby is demolishing the C.G. Brown Memorial Pool starting April 6 to make room for the new Burnaby Lake Aquatic and Arena Facility, an exciting destination recreation centre to serve our entire community.
  • April 4, 2023

    Call for applications for Deer Lake Artist Residencies for 2023/24

    Professional artists have the opportunity to create in the tranquil and inspiring natural setting of Deer Lake Park in beautifully restored heritage homes and/or Shadbolt Centre for the Arts and Burnaby Art Gallery as part of the City of Burnaby’s Deer Lake Artist Residencies.
  • April 3, 2023

    City launching Active Patio Program pilot to support local businesses

    Burnaby businesses will be able to take advantage of spring and summer weather by adding outdoor seating or expanding their outdoor spaces to create a vibrant, outdoor environment through the City’s Active Patio Program pilot.
  • March 28, 2023

    District Energy Utility would provide clean, affordable energy to local homes and businesses

    Burnaby City Council has directed staff to continue work to develop a District Energy Utility that, once established, would take clean thermal energy captured from Metro Vancouver’s Waste-to-Energy facility to provide heat and hot water to Burnaby homes and businesses.
  • March 28, 2023

    Dennis Baker is 2022’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year

    Mayor Mike Hurley and Burnaby City Council are pleased to present the Kushiro Cup to Dennis Baker, 2022's Outstanding Citizen of the Year.

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