Healthy Ecosystems

By 2050, Burnaby will have expanded and improved the health and resilience of our green spaces, including boulevard and streamside areas, and the urban forest

Improving the health of our ecosystems benefits our communities and our mental health. The Healthy Ecosystems Big Move builds on Burnaby’s current town centre street design standards for rain gardens and urban forest canopy, and ongoing work to maintain and enhance the city’s green spaces. Green spaces, forests, stream areas and urban trees provide summer cooling to all of our neighbourhoods while mitigating the heat-island effect, reducing energy used for cooling in the summer (and the associated GHG emissions).

Key to us achieving our healthy ecosystems vision and goals is the development of an Urban Forest Strategy, which will provide Burnaby with a long-term strategy for creating a diverse, resilient and healthy urban forest by protecting, preserving, restoring and expanding tree cover throughout the city.

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